God’s Timing Is Perfect

Looking for prayer points that explain how God’s timing is perfect? Below are some that can help.

When it comes to the timing of things, it is almost certain that we would like most things to happen quicker than they usually do.

If you’re in school, the end of your studies can’t seem to come quicker. If you’re single, meeting someone new can’t seem to come quicker.

If you’re trying for a baby, seeing those two lines can’t seem to come quicker.

And even when you’re sitting at a restaurant waiting for your food, the waiter can’t seem to come quicker.

image reads "prayer points: God's timing is perfect".

I think I have made my point with our general view of time. The quicker the better is the motto of our modern day.

Yet, as Christians, it is not only our time that we must consider. But most importantly God’s time.

Just to give some context of God’s view of time, scripture tells us in 2 Peter 3:8 that one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day to the Lord.

This of course isn’t meant literally, rather that God’s timetable isn’t our timetable. He isn’t limited by the same time constraints as we are.

Though we cannot imagine, or plan for a thousand years from now, He can. He has an unlimited amount of time.

This verse is telling us that no matter how long it takes, He will keep His word.

In this particular context Peter is talking about God’s return to deliver His people.

He is speaking to believers who were being persecuted, and warned them about mockers who will say that He has been gone for long, and that He is not coming back.

If we can trust God with our eternity, and trust that He will return and will keep His promise of eternal life to us, how much more can and ought we to trust Him as we wait on His time in this life?

Let’s look at a few scriptures that can help us to trust that God’s timing is indeed perfect!

Proverbs 3:5

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;”

Sometimes we struggle to trust God, including His timing. We may say that we trust Him, but our trust is especially tested when we have to wait on God.

This verse is something we can hold onto in every situation.

When it comes to God’s perfect timing in our lives, whether we are waiting for something to change or a prayer to be answered, we can remind ourselves to trust in Him.

There is this image of two different actions that need to take place. We first need to trust in the Lord with all our heart.

How can we trust in God, and in His time? We learn to trust Him as we learn more about who He is, His character, and we allow His word to inform us instead of our

own thoughts or assumptions of who He is. When we know that God is faithful, and perfect in all He does, we learn to trust Him.

On the other hand, we cannot trust God and trust in our own understanding. When we lean on our own understanding, we cease to trust God.

When you’re struggling with God’s timing, remember to trust Him, His ways and understanding, because they stretch beyond your own.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:”

All it takes is looking out of the window every few months to see that there is a time for everything.

The seasons are probably one of the most prominent examples of this. As people who have become accustomed to the changing seasons, we can anticipate the changes to come.

This verse goes on to mention a few different things that have a time to them.

There is a time to be born, a time to die; days of weeping and of laughter; a time for things to end, and of new beginnings. Isn’t this true for our lives as well?

In the same way, we can entrust other aspects of our lives to God’s timing and His will. I want to include God’s will, because it is a part of His timing.

We may find ourselves praying for something in particular. It is not always timing but sometimes God’s will that determines whether or not something will come to pass.

As Christians we can trust both in God’s timing and God’s will. If you are praying for a spouse, for example, if it is in God’s will, You can trust in His time.

Sometimes we may think that it simply isn’t time yet, but there are many times when it simply isn’t God’s will.

We can submit both our will and time to God, knowing that He has a time for everything.

Isaiah 46:9-10

“Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.”

“I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.’”

Wow. Read that verse again. Who else in the universe can say this confidently but God? He makes known the end from the beginning.

Here we can see that God is all knowing. He knows everything, from the moment the world was created, and everything in it.

To the moment that Christ returns and receives all His people. But this also means that He knows about the daily details of our lives.

Whether that is where we are going to end up working, or if we will get married, or have children.

He knows what will happen before it happens. These are a few examples, but the point is to show that God knows all things.

But it doesn’t end there. Not only does He know all things, He declares all things. In other words, He declares how things will turn out way before they take place.

What does this mean to the Christian who is waiting on God’s timing and who is trusting in Him?

It means that we serve a God who is sovereign, over all things. He accomplishes all that He sets out to do.

This means that there is no greater place for us to be than humbled before Him, seeking and trusting His perfect will and perfect time.

If you are waiting on God, be encouraged knowing that you are waiting in good company.

Though to us time may seem delayed sometimes, He is always perfectly on time. That is something we can put all our trust in.

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