Prayer For Widows

In need of Prayer for Widows? Here are a few that can help.

It is always hard to lose a loved one to death. It can be especially heartbreaking when you lose your spouse, and have to imagine and endure a life without them.

If your spouse was your best friend, it is not only a husband that you feel like you have lost, but a dear friend, support system and the one whom your soul loves. 

As a widow, there may be many struggles that you are facing behind closed doors.

Losing your husband means grieving, it can involve loneliness, concerns about the future, or regrets about the past.

However you are feeling, I hope that you are comforted in knowing you can bring it all before Christ. 

image reads "prayers for widows".

He has a heart for the widows and the fatherless. In Psalm 68:5, we are told that He is a defender of the widows.

He cares for you, and He hears your cry, but more than that, in His presence you can find peace, joy, comfort, and hope, once again.

If you have lost your beloved husband, my hope is that these prayers will strengthen your heart, and that you will be surrounded by God’s comfort and love.

Prayer for Widows 

A Prayer for God’s Protection

Psalm 91: 4 

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

Heavenly Father,

I am in need of Your loving and protecting hand today.

I ask that You would please enfold me in Your love, and guard my heart and mind as I come to grips with the death of my husband.

Though it is not easy to understand or process a loss this great, I know that You are wise, and that Your intentions towards me have never faltered. 

But I admit, Lord, in my brokenness, there is fear. Fear of what tomorrow holds, and how to continue living life without him here.

That is why I am offering up a sincere but broken prayer to You, asking that You would cover me with Your feathers.

Please be like a wall all around me, and help me to know that I am safe inside of Your arms. 

Remind me that I can always run to You, in every moment and every feeling, that I can turn to You as my refuge.

Though the hurt is deep, I know Lord that Your faithfulness remains the same. I pray that Your faithfulness will remain my shield and my rampart.

May it carry me through the lonely nights, and be my strength in times of trouble.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer for Anxiety Over the Future 

Psalm 94:19

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

Gracious God,

My heart feels like it has been broken in two. It’s so hard to accept that my husband is no longer here with me.

I am thankful for the moments that we have cherished with one another. All of the joy, tears, apologies, disagreements, and the love that we shared.

Thank You for the time that You have blessed me with his life, and for the way that he has impacted me forever. 

Some days it feels impossible to imagine life apart from him.

There are days where it feels like anxiety is welling up within me and that it will soon spill over. There are anxious thoughts that keep me up at night.

Thoughts about the future, how we will go on without him each day, how his loss affects our children, and the plans that we had together. 

If I have learned anything, it is that none of us know what tomorrow holds, except You.

Because You hold tomorrow, that means You hold all my tomorrows too, until I take my last breath. Knowing this, I commit my future to Your hands, Lord.

Please quiet any anxiety within me, and help me find consolation and joy in Your presence.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Prayer That God Would Sustain You

Psalm 146:9

“The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.”


Thank You for how You have sustained me throughout the years.

Now, more than ever, I need the comfort and assurance that You are with me, and that You will carry me through every dark night and every tearful morning.

I need You, Lord. I need Your presence to be my comfort, and I need Your word to give me hope and strength. 

Thank You for being there for me, and always giving ear to my cries. Thank You for being a God who cares for the fatherless and the widow.

It is a great comfort to me, knowing that You watch over me and my children.

I ask that You would please sustain us, in ways that we cannot do for ourselves. 

You know the hole that has formed in our lives after losing my husband and their father.

I ask that You would help us to look to You, knowing that both our help and our hope come from You.

Please sustain us in our daily needs, and provide for our family.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Prayer for a Broken Heart 

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Father in Heaven,

It feels like my heart has been shattered in a million little pieces.

I don’t know how they will be pieced together again, or if they ever will.

Losing my husband was more than losing my spouse, but my best friend and confidant. 

Sometimes I think that I will never be able to share myself with anyone in the way that I did with him, but then I remember that You are not only a Father to me, but a best friend and confidant.

Thank You for being there for me in this difficult time of my life. Thank You for extending Your hand toward me and turning Your ear in my direction.

Your word says that You heal the broken heart and that You bound up their wounds. 

Today I need Your healing, and comfort. I ask that You would please enfold me in Your love, and grant me Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Help me not to carry this pain on my own, but to give it to You, and find healing and hope again.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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