Signs God Is Working On Your Marriage

Sometimes you just need signs God is working on your marriage. Marriage is a lifelong commitment. It comes with many ups and downs, but you are ultimately bracing them together.

Or at least, you are meant to. But we know that that is not always the case in every marriage.

Sometimes we experience marital issues due to a lack of communication, or because we have stopped taking care of our marriage.

Whatever your marriage is facing, you can bring it before God in prayer.

text reads "signs God is working on your marriage".

If you have been praying over certain areas of your married life, you may be wondering whether or not God is answering your prayers.

He may not always answer your prayers in the way that you expect.

Sometimes He answers them directly, and the change is obvious.

Other times it is a slow, inward shift that requires patience and endurance before you start to see it.

Do not despair today, know that God does hear your prayer.

Sometimes the signs of an answered prayer are just unsuspecting.

If you want to know whether God is working in your marriage, here are a few things that you can look out for.

Signs God Is Restoring Your Marriage

You Both Are Willing To Work On Issues

We may not always be on the same page as our spouse. There may be times when one or both of you are more resistant to working on the problems that you are experiencing as a couple.

It is important to know that you will experience tough times in your marriage, and that those challenges are better dealt with when you are working on them together.

If you see that you or your spouse are more willing to talk about, and work out the issues that you are experiencing, that is a sign that God is working on your marriage.

God Is Granting You Grace Toward Your Spouse

It is not always easy to overlook your spouse’s shortcomings, bad habits or inconsistencies.

But we all have shortcomings, bad habits and inconsistencies.

And none of us like for them to be pointed out constantly.

Sometimes showing grace can do more good than harm, because you are giving your spouse room to grow, and to see what works and what doesn’t.

This doesn’t mean that you stay in a situation that is dangerous or simply let your spouse run wild.

But if you are in a marriage where you both are seeking the good of one another, then grace goes a long way.

When we extend grace to our spouse, we are acting Christlike toward our spouse. He shows us grace, not because we deserve it, but because of His love toward us.

If you see that you and your spouse are becoming less picky and more gracious towards one another, that is evidence of God’s grace being worked out in your hearts.

Your Communication Is Improving

Every marriage counselor will tell you that communication is key. Not only in marriages but in every kind of relationship on earth.

But it is even more important to have open, honest and frequent communication with one another as a married couple.

When we are not communicating what is on our mind, what expectations we have, or what is bugging us, it can be easy to fall into feelings of resentment towards your spouse.

What may seem obvious to us may not always be obvious to our spouse.

We often become victims of assuming that our spouse should know about or think about the same things that we do.

But often simply communicating about it makes the biggest difference.

If you see a change in your communication, and it becomes healthy and consistent, that may be an indication that God is working on your marriage.

Your Have Less Arguments or Conflicts

Every relationship comes with arguments and conflicts.

As two different people with different personalities, desires, expectations and sometimes views, conflict is inevitable.

But the way we manage conflict can make a world of a difference.

If you and your spouse often have heated arguments, and you have been praying for your marriage, you may see a change in this area.

Perhaps you may argue less, or you may have more patience toward one another.

Maybe you are beginning to see one another’s point of view, or you see eye to eye more often.

These are all ways in which you can see God working in your marriage.

You Appreciate One Another More

When you’ve been married for some time, it can be easy to take your spouse for granted.

You may have forgotten how you felt at the beginning of your relationship.

Because a marriage is not solely based on our ever changing feelings but on the commitment that we made before God, it is necessary for us to make an effort to appreciate our spouse.

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that they do that we can look at with appreciation, and voice our thankfulness to them.

If you or your spouse have grown in appreciation for one another that is a way that you can see God working in your marriage.

You Serve One Another Better

God has created marriage to be a shadow of His relationship with the church.

His call to all believers is to serve one another, but even more so in our marriage relationship.

Many people wrongly believe that marriage is meant to make you happy, but it is meant to make you holy.

Marriage refines us and intensifies what is already there. It shows us ourselves in ways that we don’t always want to acknowledge.

But it is a gracious act of God when we get to see ourselves as we are, and we come to Him in submission, asking that He change us.

When we look to our spouses needs, and serve them without any expectations, we can see God in our marriage.

You Are Growing In Selfless Love

It is easy to love when we feel like it. In fact, many times it is easier for us to love when we are feeling loved.

But what happens when our marriage has become loveless, or our spouse isn’t meeting our needs?

In those times it is tempting to withhold love.

But God’s word calls us to selfless love.

A love that is patient, and kind.

A love that does not envy, boast or is not proud.

It is a love that does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no records of wrong.

It is a love that does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.

This love is not a love that we muster through sheer will, but one that we ask God to pour into our hearts and onto our marriage.

If you are seeing yourself and your spouse growing in selfless, God-honoring love, that is a sign that He is working on your relationship.

God has designed marriage, which means that He cares for your marriage with your spouse. I hope that you will continue to seek Him in your marriage, and see His work in every area of your relationship.

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