Bible Verses For Men

In need of bible verses for men? Here are a few you can use.

It’s important for men to receive godly encouragement and guidance.

More than ever the world is needing men whose hearts are after God, and who are seeking to be an example to those around them.

There is no greater place for men to turn for godly wisdom, in all areas of their lives than scripture.

Christian men especially have a great opportunity to show the world that God’s design for manhood can be redeemed, and what He has created manhood, fatherhood, and leadership to look like.

image reads "bible verses for men".

Through trusting Him and turning to Him, he will give you the grace to live according to His word and to be a light in a dark world.

Remember that our faith is not a sprint but a journey.

If you are needing some encouragement and edification today, I hope that these bible verses will provide you with just that!

Bible Verses For Men

1 Corinthians 15:57-58

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm.
Let nothing move you.
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, 
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

In today’s world, there are so many temptations that lead us away from standing firm in our faith.

We don’t have to go further than our phones to find temptations awaiting us.

But the good news is that Jesus has given us victory over sin and death! Because of this truth. We can stand firm.

One of the ways we do this is by remembering to commit ourselves to God’s work and His kingdom.

When our eyes are fixed on the things above and not the things of this earth, we become firmly rooted in what is eternal, instead of what is temporary.

There are a lot of things that we can spend our time on here on earth that will be in vain,

but giving ourselves to God’s work, and carrying out His commands in our daily lives with our hearts set on Him is never in vain.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”
“Do everything in love.”

There is often the idea that men should always be strong.

Though there is certainly a place for strength emotionally, physically, and mentally. It is important to note that there is a strength that

far outweighs any outward strength that any man could carry. That is strength found in and through their faith.

These particular verses were written by Paul to the young man Timothy, who was like a son to him.

Few things he encouraged Timothy to be on guard. Scripture speaks of the importance of guarding our hearts, because from it flows the issues of life.

But it is also important to guard your thoughts, as that is often where many battles begin.

Along with being on guard, he encourages him to stand firm in his faith, to be courageous and strong.

It will not always be easy to stand firm or have courage, but especially when no one else is standing with you,

or there is an opportunity to compromise your faith, be strong, be courageous, stand firm.

Find your strength and courage in God and His presence that never leaves you.

And almost like he ties it all together with a bow, he says, doing everything in love.

Even the tough things, even the things you don’t feel like doing. Do it all in the love that God provides you with.

1 Peter 5:5

“In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,”

“God opposes the proud
but shows favor to the humble.”

One of the things that men are often associated with is pride. Although all people do, and can struggle with pride, many times men have a harder time with the issue of pride.

If you are a younger person, it is especially important to have an elder Christian man/men that you can look to for guidance and counsel.

The verse then addresses everyone, regardless of age, to clothe themselves with humility toward one another.

This reminds me of the putting on and putting off language that Paul often used. If we are to put on humility, what are we supposed to take off pride.

Pride often shows itself in our relationships and interactions with others. When we are prideful, we may not want to admit that we have made a mistake or we acted wrongly in a situation.

It can also describe a very high view of oneself, which is the opposite of what God calls us to. You may act arrogant or superior when you are prideful.

These are all things that God calls us to strip off, and replace with humility. God places a high value on humility.

The verse continues to say that God actually opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.

If you think of a game of chess, the idea of being opposed is that of God strategically putting things in your way in order to bring you humility.

No one wants to have God as their opponent. But He gives grace to those who seek Him, and who humble themselves before Him.

1 Timothy 4:8

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

In our culture today, outer appearance and physique have become a top priority.

Although it’s important to take care of our health, especially through regular exercise, scripture reminds us that there is a kind of training that has value for all things.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget that godliness is something that requires regular and diligent commitment.

Just like a bodybuilder who trains multiple times a week, and with time is able to observe the growth he has made, and the knowledge he has obtained along the way.

In the same way, as we grow in godliness, through prayer, the study of God’s word, and importantly application of God’s word, we begin to grow in godliness.

That godliness is valuable and instructs us in many different areas of our lives, whether that be our relationships, our work, our interests, or the way we speak or act.

It is not only valuable for this present life but it holds promise for eternity. All the more reason for us to pursue godliness.

Proverbs 27:17

“As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.”

God has created us to be in a community with others. But who we choose to surround ourselves with is important.

As a Christian man, who desires to grow in his faith, being in the company of other men who have the same desire and

priorities not only help you grow in your faith, but it is a great way to have accountability and encouragement in your life.

We can ask God to bring friendships and mentoring relationships into our lives that will be beneficial to both parties.

These kinds of relationships are built on openness, genuine interest, vulnerability and common values. Who have you surrounded yourself with?

Who are those closest to you that you are allowing to give you guidance and advice?

When two irons sharpen one another they both become stronger, otherwise, iron will become dulled against the wood.

That is why it is important to have a Christian community and brothers in your life who will always lead you back to Christ.

I hope that these verses will encourage you to continue to seek God’s wisdom, and guidance in all areas of your life!

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