Looking for identity in Christ verses? Here are a few you can use.
Who are you? No, I’m not referring to your name, or what you do for a living, or what your interests are.
But rather, when you stand before God, and all your accomplishments, personality, likes, or dislikes are swept in the background, who He is that He sees?
When we come to faith in Christ, the bible tells us that we are a new creation. This means that we once had a different identity.
Our identity was so stained by sin, that we were enslaved to it. But in Christ, sin no longer defines us.
Instead, we now identify with Christ. Praise God for that! The bible has a lot to say about our new lives in Christ.
We no longer have to seek the affirmation of the world because we have already been accepted by God.
That is something that we can find comfort and confidence in.
In Christ, we only live to an audience of one, and that is a freedom we cannot find when we are striving to fit into the world.
It’s important for us to firstly know Christ, and know what He is like.
And as we grow in our relationship with Him, and study His word, it reveals to us who we are in Christ.
It’s important for us to know our identity in Christ, so we can stand firm in it, despite what the world’s opinions or trends are.
Knowing our identity in Christ anchors us, and helps us to fight against the lies of the enemy.
If you’re looking for verses that describe who You are in Christ, and how God sees you, here are a few to get you started.
Identity in Christ Verses
You Are Made In God’s Image
If you’re a human, you were created in the image of God. In the very beginning, when God created mankind, He made them in His image.
We were always meant to reflect God’s character, but because of sin, our ability to fully reflect God has been tarnished.
Yet, every person is still made in God’s image, and we still show glimpses of Him.
What’s amazing is that those who are in Christ, who is the fullness of God, are now called to become like Christ.
There is this redemptive picture that is painted, and we get to grow in our reflection of Christ on earth.
When others see us, it is Him who they should see shine through us.
The more we get to know Him, and the more we submit to His work in our hearts and lives, the more radiant we become like Christ, and truly bear His image to the world around us.
You Are A Child of God – John 1:11-13
“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.”
“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—”
“children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.“
There is a lot of brokenness in the world. Whether you grew up in a family with one or both parents, whether you felt loved, ignored or rejected, You have a Heavenly Father who cares for you immensely.
I know this is especially comforting to those who may not have had a present father figure in their lives, or who may have lost their father.
When we come to faith in Christ, God adopts us into His family. He does not treat us strangely, but just as though we are His own.
Because we are His. And we get to call Him Abba, Father.
He is a faithful Father, who we can always turn to, trust and lean on. What a gift that we get to be called children of God!
You Are Accepted By God – Romans 5:7
“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.”
There are many people who will reject us in this life. Sometimes the people whose affirmation we want the most may not accept us.
Yet, in Christ, we can rest assured that the only one whose approval truly matters has accepted us. Imagine that!
The God of all the universe, looks to you and me, and says “Come. You’re welcome here.”
No matter how many times you may experience rejection in this life, you can always hold onto the truth and certainty that God has accepted you in Christ Jesus.
It is not our own works, or abilities that make us acceptable before God.
It is the righteousness of Jesus that is placed on us, when we give our lives to Christ, and are made right with God.
Just as He has accepted us, He calls us to accept our brothers and sisters in Christ. Why? In order to bring God praise!
Showing the same acceptance that God has shown us to our fellow Christians, brings God praise.
You Are Known By God – Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Expecting parents often wait in anticipation to meet their unborn child.
They may wonder what they will be like, whether they will take after mom or dad, or what their interest will be one day.
God, not only made us each of us, and formed us in our mother’s womb.
But He also knew everything about us, not only when we were being formed, but way before we were formed.
Think about that for a moment. You are known by God, in a way that no other person will ever know and understand You.
Even before you were born or formed, God looked at You with knowing eyes and He knew that You would one day be His.
If God knew you before you were formed, how much more does He hold the rest of your life, and your eternity in the palm of His hands?
You Are No Longer A Slave To Sin – Romans 6:6
“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin—”
It is no secret that our world has been corrupted by sin. We have been corrupted by sin, and it has been a long time coming.
Since the fall of Genesis 3, our earthly bodies have become enslaved to sin. The Bible says that it is all that we do, and think of.
Before Christ we cannot help but sin. It is in our very nature. But when we are born again, Christ purchased our freedom from sin.
He crucified sin on the cross, which means that those who are in Christ are no longer mastered by sin. Instead, we become slaves to righteousness.
This means that we are not tied down to our flesh anymore, but that we now have the Spirit of God living in us.
Romans 7 tells us that the flesh and the Spirit are at war inside of us.
In other words, God gives us His Spirit to help us overcome sin, but at times we will choose our flesh and its desires.
But we don’t have to despair, because God in His kindness calls us to repentance and a life of sanctification. As we follow Him and trust in Him, sins grip loosens on us.
You Are A Part of The Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:26-27
“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
You may have heard the saying that Christians serve as the hands and feet of God here on earth.
Though that is simply a metaphor that someone came up with, the bible does talk about the roles we play as Christians.
The bible makes it clear that Christians were never meant to be solo sojourners.
Yes, Christ died for each of one us, but more than that, He died for His bride, the Church. We are a part of that universal church.
And we get to be a part of the local church, or rather, the body of Christ, when we join a fellowship or church.
As a member of Christ’s body, God has given you gifts to use in the body, and you along with the rest of the body can only function properly when you work together.
What’s important to note is that if the church is the body, that means that Christ is the head.
He is the one who the body is serving and whose work the body is accomplishing.
If you ever struggle with your identity, remember that the best place to find it is to seek it from the One who made you, and who has called you into His glorious grace.
His word tells us all we need to know about who we are in Him.