In need of Prayer for Boyfriend and unsure where to start? Below are a few prayers to help.
We don’t have to be married to pray for our significant other.
If you are in a dating relationship, it is important to invite God into your relationship, and to set Him as your foundation.
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Not only can you pray together as a couple, but you can pray for your boyfriend when you’re apart too.
If you took that first step and figured out how to tell a guy you like him, then you may have decided to start dating and he became your boyfriend.
Relationships are a very important thing to always continue to pray for, especially if you’re trying to decide if he should become your husband in the future.
If you’re looking for prayers for your boyfriend, here are a few that can help you get started!
Prayers For Your Boyfriend
- Health and Well-being: Pray for his physical, mental, and emotional health, that he may stay strong and free from illness.
- Guidance and Direction: Ask for guidance in his decisions and endeavors, that he may find his path and purpose.
- Success and Opportunities: Pray for his success in his endeavors, studies, career, and personal goals.
- Strength and Resilience: Pray for strength to overcome challenges and difficulties that may come his way.
- Wisdom and Clarity: Ask for wisdom and discernment in his choices and actions.
- Protection: Pray for his safety and protection from harm, both physically and spiritually.
- Relationship: Pray for your relationship to be strong, loving, and healthy, and for both of you to grow together.
- Happiness: Ask for his happiness and contentment in life.
- Family and Friends: Pray for his relationships with family and friends, that they may be supportive and nurturing.
- Faith and Spirituality: Pray for his spiritual journey and growth, and for him to find comfort and guidance through his faith.
- Forgiveness and Grace: Ask for the ability to forgive and extend grace, both to others and to himself.
- Character and Integrity: Pray for him to cultivate strong character traits and integrity in all aspects of his life.
- Peace and Inner Serenity: Pray for a sense of peace and inner calm, especially during challenging times.
- Dreams and Aspirations: Ask for his dreams and aspirations to come true, and for the strength to pursue them.
- Gratitude and Positivity: Pray for a heart filled with gratitude and positivity, regardless of circumstances.
Prayer For Your Boyfriend’s Faith
Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
This scripture in Hebrews echoes in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we live by faith, not by sight.”
Faith is not something that we can touch with our hands, or physically see with our eyes, but it is something that we can observe, because it’s out working, or rather, its effect is all around us.
In our relationship with God, faith is required.
Without faith it is impossible for us to please Him.
We come to Him in faith, knowing that He exists and trusting that He rewards those who seek Him earnestly.
It is this faith that draws us into a relationship with God, and gives us hope and assurance for this life and the eternal life to come.
Today I am reminded of the work of Christ on the cross. I am so thankful for His sacrificial love, that has made a relationship with You possible.
Thank You for stirring in our hearts, and giving us the gift of faith.
I know that no one knows my boyfriend’s heart better than You do.
You have created his heart, and You have the ability to shape it according to Your good pleasure.
I ask that You would grow his faith, and his knowledge of You.
May he taste and see that You are good, and desire more and more of Your presence.
May the tests of life only strengthen his faith, and prove that it is real.
May his faith be unshakable, not because of his confidence in himself or circumstances but because of the hope that he has found in You.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer For True Love
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”
“It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”
“It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
The world has made a mess of love. It has become a game in many ways, and it is hard to know whether people are in it for selfish reasons.
The Bible has much to say about the topic of love, and what real love looks like.
Not the kind of love in the movies, but the kind of love that God, who is love, has shown us.
If there is anything to pray about in your relationship with your boyfriend, it is for both of you to pursue this kind of love.
We are all seeking to love, and be loved. But there is no higher love than the kind of love that You have modeled for us.
The love that Christ demonstrated on the cross.
Thank You for blessing us with this kind love.
I ask that You, through Your Holy Spirit, would help us to grow in this sort of love.
May we grow in patience for one another. Help us to extend kindness, and gentleness toward each other.
Please rid us of any pride, arrogance, and rudeness.
May we turn from envy and boastfulness.
Help us not to insist on our own way, but to consider one another, and to work together as a team.
Please keep us from being resentful and irritable. Instead, I ask that You help us to bear with one another in love.
Never rejoicing at wrongdoing, and always rejoicing with the truth.
Teach us to love like You do.
In Jesus’ name, amen!
A Morning Prayer For Your Boyfriend
Lamentations 3:22-24
“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.”“They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”“I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
Every day is a reminder of God’s new mercies.
It is not out of our own good, or works that we get to see another day, but solely out of God’s kindness and mercy. He is faithful, even when we are not.
This is something we can thank Him for every day, especially in the mornings.
It is also one of the ways that you can pray for your boyfriend, especially for the day that lies ahead.
Pray that he sees God’s mercy and hand over his life, each new day.
Dear God,
This morning I cannot help but to praise You for Your new mercies.
Thank You God for a new day, a new day of strength, a new day of forgiveness and a new day to serve You.
Thank You for my boyfriend’s life, and for granting him a new morning.
I ask that You fill his heart with hope as he prepares for his day
Please help him to see You in even the small details of life, and to grow in gratitude.
May he draw closer to You, and lean on You throughout his day. Give him the strength to accomplish the tasks before him.
Give him the needed patience for situations that are tedious or frustrating.
No matter what happens in his day, I ask that You would be his portion, and the lifter of his head.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer For Purity
1 Corinthians 6:18
“Flee from sexual immorality.
All other sins a person commits are outside the body,
but whoever sins sexually,
sins against their own body.”
We serve a holy God, and He calls us to be a holy people. Though we now have the spirit of God, we still have our flesh.
This means that we will face temptation, and we will have our own battles against the flesh, and against sin.
When it comes to a romantic relationship that is not marriage, there are temptations that can lead us to struggle with purity.
This is not only physical but also purity of mind. Whether you are in a relationship or not, anyone can struggle with purity.
It is good to not only pray for your boyfriend’s individual walk with purity but for your relationship as well.
Father in Heaven,
Thank You for bringing [boyfriend’s name] and I together.
As we grow in our relationship with one another, our desire is to move towards marriage.
We know that You have created sex as a gift inside the confines of marriage.
We confess that it is not easy to flee temptation, and in our own strength we cannot do it.
Help us to remember that purity is not only an action, but it begins in the heart and in our thoughts.
Please help my boyfriends and I to grow in purity of heart and purity of mind.
Help us to submit to You any thoughts that do not honor You, or one another.
Help us to make wise decisions that do not compromise safety, and that will guard our hearts.
Help us not to play around with temptation but to flee from it.
Grant us self-control and respect for one another.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer Of Encouragement
1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing.”
We all know the famous saying that no man is an island.
No matter how much we may like our personal space, God has created us to be relational people.
We especially need people around us who will lead us back to Christ, and who are an encouragement to us.
An encouraging word, or gesture goes a long way.
Your boyfriend may be in a place of discouragement today, and through prayer God gives you the opportunity to pray for his spirit to be strengthened and his heart to be encouraged.
Thank You for blessing me with [boyfriend’s name].
I know that he has had a tough time recently, and it can be hard to feel hopeful.
I ask that You would lift up his head and aim his eyes at You.
May he know that despite the challenges that he faces, that You are with him.
Help him to trust that You will work even this time together for good. I ask that You put a new song of praise in his heart.
Please show him Your kindness through those around him.
Whether that is through a friendly smile or an encouraging word.
Help me to be an encouragement to him, and to be a light in this dark time.
Grant me the words to say to him, and show me how I can best love and lift him up today.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer For Your Boyfriend Circle Of Friends
1 Corinthians 15:33
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character”.”
The Bible often talks about those who we surround ourselves with.
Why is it important that we are careful about the people who we are close with? Because we are influenced by one another.
The friends that we surround ourselves with, are most likely the ones who speak into our lives, who we turn to for advice, or who have an influence on what we do, how we speak, and what we value?
We cannot expect to grow our relationship with God when we surround ourselves with people who do not value Him, or honor Him.
Scripture tells us plainly not to be deceived, because bad company ruins good morals.
Pray for the people who are in your boyfriend’s life, and ask God to surround him with the right people.
Dear God,
I ask that You surround [boyfriend’s name] with people who will draw Him closer to you.
If there are any relationships in his life that do not honor You, or that distract, and turn Him from you, I ask that You would make him aware of that.
Please help him to discern between those who are genuine and those who have ulterior motives.
I ask that You would place men into his life who desire to pursue you, and live according to Your word.
May he be an answered prayer for other men who are needing godly friendships.
May he find a community whose eyes are fixed on You, and whose hearts are set on Your Kingdom.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
I hope that these prayers for your boyfriend have given you some inspiration and guidance as you pray for him.
May his life be a reflection of these prayers and of God’s working in his life.