Prayer For Confidence

Need a Prayer for Confidence? Here are a few you can try.

There is a type of confidence that the world often promotes. It is a confidence that is prideful, puffed up and boastful.

This is not the kind of confidence that God calls us to have.

In fact, it is true humility that we find there is only one true confidence, and that is confidence in God.

When we have our eyes fixed on Him, and He is our confidence. Then we can grow in godly confidence in the other areas of our lives.

image reads "prayers for confidence".

This is a confidence that relies on God, and knows that He is not only with you but the one who is enabling you.

This is the kind of confidence that gives glory to God instead of oneself.

If you struggle with confidence, or have misplaced your confidence, these prayers are a great place to grow your confidence in God and in the gifts that He has given you.

Prayers For Confidence

A Prayer For Confidence In God

Jeremiah 17:7

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.”

It is tempting to place our confidence in things other than God. Sometimes we do it without even realizing it.

We tend to put our confidence in people, in our jobs, in money, or material items.

Sometimes we even put our confidence in ourselves.

But all these things will fail at some point, and the confidence we have in it is not something that we can guarantee will be there tomorrow.

There is only one who we can place our complete confidence and trust in.

That’s God.

We can have confidence in Him because He never changes, He keeps His word, and He is who He says He is.

Every other foundation will crumble, but He is a solid rock on which we can place our confidence.

Heavenly Father,

I look to You today. I confess that I have had my eyes fixed on many things that have failed me. Things that I was never supposed to place my confidence and hope in. Please forgive me for misplacing my trust. Help me place my trust in You. You never fail, nor do You forsake those who hope in You.

I ask that You would increase my confidence in You, knowing that You are faithful to Your word, and You are who You say You are. May I experience true blessedness, not the blessedness of the world that is fleeting. Please fill me with Your peace, and grow my trust in You day by day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer For Confidence In Your Gifts

1 Peter 4:10-11

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

God has given us each a gift, or multiple gifts. Our gifts are not simply for our own entertainment or to keep to ourselves.

But He has given us gifts so that we can glorify Him and serve one another.

Sometimes we may not feel as though we have a gift, or that we are good at anything.

But that’s not true.

God has given you a spiritual gift, and skills that serve a purpose.

You can ask God to show you what your gifts are, or help you to develop and grow in them.

The Bible even encourages us to pray for gifts that we desire.

We can have confidence not merely in our abilities, but in the God who gave us our gifts, which makes them meaningful.


Every gift You give is good. I am so thankful that I get to be Your servant, and to use what You have given me to honor You and to serve others. Jesus was the best example of service, and I ask that You would help me to model my life after Him. Help me to see clearly what gifts You have given me, and help me to grow them as I put them to use.

Help me not to compare the gifts You have given me to the gifts You have given to others. Instead, help me to encourage others in their gifts, and to be encouraged as I watch them use their gifts. Please show me where You want me to plug into, and how I can be of use to Your kingdom and those around me.

Remind me that it is not confidence in my own ability, but in You, who has given me these abilities that matter. Help me to rely on You as I use my gifts. May Your Holy Spirit use me, and work through me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer For Confidence In God’s Timing

Ecclesiastes 3:11

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

The way that time works for us and the way that it works for God is different.

We often see time as linear, one month versus one year is a big difference to us.

But one day and 1,000 years are the same to God. He is outside of time and space.

Yet, in His plans, He brings together what He purposes in His time.

We may have a certain desire, and we can pray for it. If it is God’s will, He will grant us our desire not in our time, but in His time. We can trust that His time is always perfect. He is not late or early. He has made everything appropriate in its time.


It’s tough to be patient sometimes. I admit there are times when I desire to see a breakthrough in a certain area of my life, and I desire it immediately. But I know that Your time is not my time. I know sometimes I can get frustrated, and feel discouraged. In those movements, I ask that You would remind me that Your ways are not my ways and Your time is not my time.

If it is not Your time yet, help me to wait on You patiently. If there are still things that You want to work out in my heart and life first, I ask that You would help me to submit to that work. I know You have made all things beautiful in its time. I trust Your timing Lord, and I trust Your ways. Help me to wait on You, for You are faithful. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer For Confidence In Who God Made You To Be

Psalm 139:13-14

“For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.”

Everyone struggles with insecurities at some point. There may be things about yourself that you feel dissatisfied with, whether outwardly or inwardly.

Some people even struggle with deep feelings of self-hatred.

Whether you find yourself on either end of the spectrum, it is important to have a correct view of ourselves.

This isn’t the way the world views us, or even the way we view ourselves.

This is how God views us. We are sinners saved by grace. This is something that brings humility and gratitude.

Yet, we are also God’s handiwork. He wove you together in your mother’s womb, and made you fearfully and wonderfully.

No matter how you feel, this is a truth that you can be confident in, because God’s word never fails.


It’s not often that I thank You for how You have made me. When You created me in my mother’s womb, You made every detail, and shaped every part of me. Even the parts that I pick out, or that I dislike about myself. Please help me to see myself through Your eyes. Remind me when I am harsh on myself, or I dislike parts of myself, that You have made me. What You have made is good.

Though I fall short daily, I am still fearfully and wonderfully made in Your sight. Please help me to see myself in a godly light. Help me not think too highly of myself, or think of myself too low. But help me to adjust my view to what You see. Remind me that I am Yours, and made in Your image. And for that, I have reason to praise You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer For Confidence In God’s Word

1 Peter 1:25

“but the word of the Lord endures forever.”

And this is the word that was preached to you.”

When this world passes away, everything in it will go with it, except God’s word. It is only His word that endures forever.

Our health will deteriorate, our youth will fade, our earthly goods and money won’t come with us.

The only thing that we can bet our eternity on is God’s word.

It will never fail. It will endure forever, into eternity.

Even when all other things fail, we can place our confidence in God’s word, knowing that it will stand forever. His truth remains steadfast.


Though this world will come to pass, and all the things in it, Your word will remain steadfast. What a glorious truth that I can hold onto every day. Please forgive me for the times when I take Your word for granted. Remind me that Your word is alive and active, and it is working in the hearts of all those who delight in it and who submit to You.

Help me to grow in my love for Your word. May my confidence be found nowhere else but in Your word, because You are faithful to bring it to pass. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

A Prayer For Confidence In God’s Plan

Philippians 1:6

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

God has begun a work in you through your faith in Christ.

Sometimes it can be hard to see what He is doing as you navigate life, and face different trials and challenges.

Whether you find yourself in a place of comfort, or a place of worry and uncertainty.

You can be confident knowing that God is working out His plan in your life, and His will in your heart.

No matter where you find yourself today, if Your hope is in God, You can have absolute confidence that He will finish the work that He has started in You.

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