Looking for Prayer for Pastor & Family? Here are a few that can help.
The best way you can support your pastor is through praying for him and his family.
Sometimes we can view the pastor, and his family as people who have it all good.
We may even place an unspoken expectation of them to always speak, behave and think in a godly manner, and never show any signs of the flesh.
But the reality is that our pastor and his family are people who, like us, are sinners saved by grace.
Sometimes all the members of your pastor’s family may not be saved, and that is something you can trust lies heavy and his heart.
There is something we can do as members of the body of Christ that accomplishes more than judgment, and that is to pray for our pastor and his family, and come alongside them in the ways their family might need most.
Though it cannot always be avoided, there is a sense of “looking up to” that we naturally do towards our pastor and his family.
It helps for us to keep them in prayer, and remember that they need God’s mercy, strength and providence each day, as we do.
Prayer for Pastor & Family
Prayer That Pastor’s Family Would All Know Christ Personally
Thank You for sending Your Son to take our place on the cross.
Thank You for Your great love towards us, even while we were still sinners.
It’s a reminder that there was nothing we had to do to make ourselves worthy, because all of our works are like filthy rags before You.
In the same sense, it emphasizes to us the extent and weight of what Christ did on the cross, and how far Your love for us reaches.
I know that my pastor’s family has heard the gospel before, and they may have had it ingrained in their minds.
But my prayer is that it would reach beyond a simple knowledge of the gospel, but that understanding would light up their minds, and repentance would reach to their hearts.
May they not only know Christ with head knowledge, but truly know Christ in their hearts.
May He remove the hardened heart of stone from them and replace it with a heart of flesh.
May they fix their eyes not on what is seen, which is temporary, but on what is unseen, which is eternal.
May their relationship with Christ be their own, and may they get to delight in You together as a family.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Pray for Protection Over Pastor & His Family
Heavenly Father,
Thank Your love from which we cannot be separated.
Your word says that nothing can ever separate us from Your love in Christ.
Not death, or life, not angels or demons, not fears for today or worries about tomorrow.
No, not that Ben the powers of hell can separate us from Your love.
It is with great comfort that we can live each day with the knowledge of Your love toward us, and trust Your hand in our lives.
Today, I ask that You cover my pastor and his family with Your strong hand.
Please keep them protected from any harm, accidents or evil intentions that others may have toward them, or that the enemy may try to accomplish.
I ask that You would protect them in their going out and their coming in.
Please grant them the wisdom and discernment to flee from or avoid circumstances that are potentially dangerous.
I ask that You would help them in times of need, and protect them from the fiery darts of the enemy.
Please keep their minds saturated in Your word, so that the enemy’s lies will not have a foothold in their minds.
May they rest in the perfect peace that You give those who trust in You.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer that Jesus Would Be The Head of Their Household
There is no house that will stand unless it is built on You.
Everything else we find to build on is made of sand, and will not stand the test of time, or the test of trials.
This is a reality for all of us, and it applies to each of our lives.
Today, I want to pray specifically for my pastor and his household.
My prayer is that You would be the foundation of their home, and that both the pastor and his wife would have a growing relationship with You.
May they lead lives that point their children to Christ, and set a path for them to know Him and to see His work in their lives.
I ask that You help the pastor to grow in his role as the husband and head of the house.
May he lead in humility and with grace, submitting to Christ in all that he does.
Keep him from leading with pride, and remind him that Christ is head over all.
Help him to love his wife as Christ loves the church, and to teach his children in the way.
I ask that You would grow his wife in her role, and help her to respect her husband, and to support him in the plans that You have for their lives.
May her children call her blessed, and find wisdom and comfort in her arms.
May her husband delight in her, and she in him, and may they be a reflection of the relationship between Christ and His bride.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for God’s Providence for Pastor & His Family
Thank You for being a constant in our lives.
Thank You that we can come to You with our praise, tears, needs, fears and hearts filled with repentance.
Today, my thoughts are with my pastor and his family.
You, more than anyone, know what they are going through in private.
You know the struggles that they face and the needs that they have.
Your word says that we should not worry about what we will eat, what we will drink or what we will wear, because life is more than those things, and You already know that we need them.
Today, You already know what they need. My prayer is that You would provide for them with Your mighty hand.
May they see Your work in their lives, and experience Your kindness and generosity.
Please provide for them in their daily needs, and make a way where there seems to be no way.
Use us, as the body of Christ to support them, and to be a blessing to them.
In Jesus’ name, amen.