If you’re looking for Prayers for Girlfriend, we have some you can start with.
It’s important to learn how to pray for your significant other.
Prayer is a great way to strengthen your relationship and build it on solid ground, whether you are newly dating, have a few years under your belt or you are moving closer to marriage.
Though there are many ways that you can show your love and care for your girlfriend, there is nothing as heartfelt as sincere and dedicated prayers over her life.
Your girlfriend can benefit greatly from your prayers. When she is going through a rough patch, taking a moment to pray with her or for her in private can show your care for her and invite God to bring her peace, clarity and direction in whatever she is facing.
Because God calls us to be equally yoked in our relationships, it is also important to bring her hearts and spiritual lives to God in prayer. God desires our relationships to be built on Him as our foundation. When you and your girlfriend are firmly planted in Him, then your relationship can grow and flourish beautifully.
As you pray over her, you can pray for God to guard her heart, to grow her in wisdom, patience, encouragement, love or grace, just to name a few. Bringing your girlfriend in prayer before the Lord is the best way to submit your relationship to Him and to ask Him to use your relationship to glorify His name.
If you’re not sure how to pray for your girlfriend, or you are looking for some guidance, here are a few prayers to get you started.
Prayers For Your Girlfriend
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving Father,
Thank You for crossing our paths. I am so thankful that You have chosen to bless my life with hers. Sometimes it is easy to forget to be grateful, but I don’t ever want to take her for granted. Please forgive me for any time that I have treated her in a way that did not honor You or her.
Help me to express my gratitude to her not only through my words but through my actions. Please help me to show her that I am becoming a better man because of her presence in my life. I pray that You will continue to be with us as we journey through life together.
When things are tough, I pray that we would both look up to You, knowing that we have reason to hope and rejoice. Help us to show one another gratitude. May we respect one another and show each other honor. In Your Name, I pray, amen.
A Prayer for Encouragement
You know more than anyone what is weighing on my girlfriend today. You are aware of every thought she has and you see every emotion that she feels. I just want to bring her before Your throne today, asking that You would be the lifter of her head. You know what keeps her from moving forward and what discourages her most.
I pray that Your voice will be louder than the voices that discourage her. I pray that she will grow in the knowledge of Your word, so she can discern when You are speaking to her. Please help her to find her value not in people or the things of the world. But may she find her value in Christ, and who has made her worthy.
Please encourage her through Your word. May Your Holy Spirit bring scripture to her remembrance in the moments that she needs it most. Please encourage her spirit and fill her with Your joy and peace. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
A Prayer for Her Faith To Grow
Dear God,
Thank You for showering my girlfriend with Your grace. It is such a blessing to be with someone who loves You and whose heart is to pursue You. I know that our journey of faith is a lifelong one, but I have seen You so clearly in her life. I pray that You will continue to work mightily in her and through her.
May her faith stand firm in the challenges that she faces in life, and grow despite the season she is in. I pray that she will dig deep roots in Your word, and stand firm in the face of trials and temptations. May her faith become unshakable and her life a testament to Your goodness and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer for Her Life’s Purpose
It is such a priceless gift that we get to have a relationship with You. Even before my girlfriend was born, You knew her. You knew who she would be, what gifts she would have, what her pet peeves and interests were. You know down to every hair on her head. It is amazing how You know us each in such an intricate way. You have created her for Your glory, and my prayer is that You would guide her in the way that You want her to go.
Help her to discover the gifts that You have given her and to use them to serve those around her. I pray that You will grow her in compassion and love for others. That she may be able to identify the needs of those she comes across. As she figures out what to do, I pray that You will open the doors that You want her to walk through and close the doors that aren’t meant for her. Above all else, may she be a faithful follower and live to please You in all she does. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Prayer for Your Relationship With Your Girlfriend
I just want to commit my relationship with my girlfriend to You. Before I am hers or she is mine, we are both Yours. We belong to You. Help us to see one another in that way. Give us eyes to see each other the way You see us. As precious children of God who have been redeemed by the work of Christ. Please help us to have grace for one another’s faults.
I pray that You will grow us in the fruit of the Spirit. Helps us to grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. May the love we share come from an overflow of our individual relationships with You. Please keep us from making an idol of our relationship and to help us to keep You first.
Teach us how to love one another selflessly and to serve one another in humility. I pray that You would help us to guard our hearts, and to pursue purity. Help us build our relationship centered on You. Use us as a team to bring You honor and glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
No matter how long you’ve been in a relationship, I hope that prayer will always remain a priority. As you pray over your significant other, be prepared to see how God works in both of your hearts and in your relationship.