Prayer For A Good Week

Need a prayer for a good week? Every new week comes with its own challenges and unknowns. When you’re facing a tough week ahead, it is natural to dread the end of the weekend.

And at other times, we may feel excited for an approaching week because of an event, or a day that we are looking forward to.

image reads "prayers for a good week".

Whichever kind of week you are anticipating, it is always good to pray for the week ahead.

Here are a few prayers that you can pray to prepare you for the upcoming week, and as a way to help you dedicate this week to the Lord and His will for your life.

Prayer For A Good Week

Prayer Of Courage For The Week

Joshua 1:9 

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

I love how this scripture starts. When it comes to courage, it feels as though it is something that we either have or we don’t.

Either we are feeling courageous or we aren’t. But God doesn’t appeal to our own ability to be courageous.

Instead, He says, “Have I not commanded you?” It is not a suggestion, but a command from God.

He commands us to be courageous, in the same way He commands us to love, forgive, and repent.

How is it possible for us to be courageous? We can be courageous not because of our own strength or confidence in our own abilities.

But we can truly be courageous because He who has the strength and ability goes with us, wherever we go.

Even to work. Even to school. Even into an unknown week ahead. That is why we don’t have to be terrified, or discouraged, because He goes with us.

Heavenly Father,

I admit, many days I wake up feeling anxious for what lies ahead.

The tasks that I have to accomplish, the people that I have to see, the responsibilities that are awaiting me, and the time that I have to do it all.

Sometimes all I want to do is crawl back into bed, and put it all on pause. But this week, I want to change my perspective.

This week,

I ask that You would remind me of Your constant presence with me.

Whether I am doing something that is nerve wracking or something that is mundane.

When You are with me, I don’t have to be discouraged, frightened, or afraid. Please help me to be strong and courageous.

Help me to lift my head up, and to approach this week head on, knowing that You are with me wherever I go.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Prayer Of Hope For The Week

Romans 15:13 —

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

If there is anything that easily gets empty, it is our hope. When life is tough, and we are facing challenges, it can be hard to feel hopeful.

One of the things that God desires for us to experience is the hope that He has given us through Christ.

Even when you are going through a tough week, there is a hope that You can hold onto.

If you are needing some hope this week, there is no better way to find it than to ask God to fill you with His hope, peace and joy.


As I start this week,

I look to You as my hope. I know that there are many things that will threaten to steal my joy, and to rob me of hope.

But the kind of hope that You give is not a hope that can be stolen by people, or taken away by the enemy.

It is an eternal hope not only for today, and tomorrow, but for my eternity with Christ.

I ask that You would help me fix my eyes on You as I go through this week.

Please fill me with Your hope, and with all joy and peace. Help me to trust You in every circumstance that I will face.

And may my heart bubble over in the hope given to me by Your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Prayer For Strength This Week

Philippians 4:13 

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

This is one of those verses that is often used out of context. When Paul referred to this scripture, he didn’t apply it in the ways we do today.

It wasn’t about a sporting event, or an exam, or lifting heavy weights.

Paul was in a very tough position in his life, there were times when he had much, but this particular time was when he had little.

Instead, he was referring to contentment. He had learned to be content in every situation, because Christ enabled him to.

In the same way, we can learn to be content in every situation because of Christ who strengthens us.


Thank You for giving me a new week.

Sometimes it’s tough to remember to be grateful when you’re going through a challenging time.

But I don’t want to forget how kind You have been to me. As I go into this next week, please help me to rely on You for strength.

When I am feeling weak or weary, remind me that You are my source of life and energy.

Help me to be content, not because I have plenty, or because things are going according to my desires or plans, but rather because You are with me.

You are my portion, in every situation. Please go with me through this week, and remind me to lean on You for strength.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Prayer To Trust God During The Week

Isaiah 40:31 

“but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”

There are many sayings about patience. Patience is a virtue. But it is not a virtue that often comes naturally.

Most of us don’t like to wait. We don’t like to wait in line, or on the phone, or for our food. We like things instantly, but often this is not how faith works.

If there is one thing that is absolutely worth waiting on, it is the Lord. This kind of waiting is also not something that is passive.

But something that is working in our hearts as we trust in Him.

As you trust in Him, and wait on Him, His ways and time, He will strengthen you and lift you up.

Dear God,

I confess, sometimes I run ahead of You, or I try to make things work in my own time.

Please help me to slow down, and simply surrender to You.

There are things in my life that aren’t coming together, and desires of my heart that feel so far away.

Help me to seek You, and to place Your Kingdom first, knowing that other things will follow.

Remind me that it is not my will, but Your will be done in my life.

As I go into this new week, I ask that You teach me to wait on You.

As I wait on You, I pray that You renew my strength, and lift me out of my weariness.

Teach me to trust You as I wait, and to see the fruit of waiting on You, for You are faithful.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Prayer of Encouragement For The Week

2 Corinthians 4:16–18 

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

It is easy to get fixated on our earthly lives. The day to day tasks and responsibilities have a way of drowning out what is our real hope, and reality.

Though we live in the world, God has not called us to be of it. This is a big encouragement, because even though we have daily responsibilities,

and we may feel weary or discouraged by life, we can look forward to a hope

that extends beyond this life. It is that hope that gives us courage and encouragement for each day.

When you are weary on the outside, and feel discouraged, God through His Spirit can strengthen You, renew You and encourage You on the inside.

Heavenly Father,

I have felt really discouraged lately.

As I prepare for this new week, I ask that You help me to look at You. I don’t want to be focused on the situation around me.

Instead, I ask that You fix my eyes on You so that I may see my situation in a new light.

Remind me that though this flesh and bones is wasting away daily, inwardly I am being renewed day by day by Your Spirit.

Though I feel worn out, and weary on the outside, I am being strengthened by You on the inside.

Even in the hardest of times, remind me that my affliction is only momentary compared to the eternal glory that awaits.

Because of this truth, I ask that You would help me fix my eyes on what is unseen, this eternal hope, and the Kingdom of God.

Instead of what is seen, knowing that this life is temporary but Your kingdom will reign for eternity.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

I hope that God will strengthen you, encourage you, and fill you with His hope, peace and joy as You entrust this week to Him through these prayers.

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