Need some ideas for Prayer for Future Husband?
The desire to get married is a good, and godly desire. God created marriage between a man and a woman, and when He made the man He said that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18).
We see that God has created the family to be the foundation of society, and to fill the earth with His image.

Marriage is a beautiful and serious commitment, but it is also a covenant that we make before God.
This means that the kind of marriage that we pursue matters to Him, and who we marry affects that largely.
As a Christian woman, our greatest priority in desiring to find a husband is that he loves God first and foremost, and is a true follower of Christ.
One of the best things we can do as we wait on God to bring the person who we will marry into our lives, is to truly wait on Him.
Waiting on God for your future husband means praying to Him. Ask Him to prepare you, and to prepare the man you will marry.
Asking Him to give you patience, to help you trust, and to work through different areas of your life, and his life. You definitely want to make sure you don’t have any relationship killers.
If you are trusting God for a husband, I hope that these prayers for your future husband will encourage you, and grow your faith and trust, no matter how long the wait, or God’s answer.
Just started a relationship? Try these prayers for a new relationship.
How To Pray For Your Future Husband
- His relationship with God
- His emotional well-being and mental health
- His physical health and safety
- His friendships and relationships
- Pray for his career and financial stability
- His sense of purpose and direction in life
- His character and integrity
- His heart for serving others and making a difference
- Pray for his ability to forgive and reconcile in relationships
- His wisdom and discernment in decision-making
- Pray for his faithfulness and purity in thought and action
- His love and respect for others, especially women
- His leadership skills and ability to provide for a family
- Pray these Bible verses for joy and peace in life
- His ability to persevere through trials and challenges
- His communication skills and ability to express himself effectively
- His humility and willingness to learn and grow
- Pray for his self-control and discipline in all areas of life
- His spiritual growth and relationship with Jesus Christ
- His willingness to prioritize the needs of his family above his own.
RELATED: Signs God Is Working On Your Marriage
Prayer for Future Husband
Prayer for His Relationship with God
Father in Heaven,
I am so grateful that I get to have a relationship with You.
If You hadn’t saved me, and pulled me out of the pit that I was in, heading towards destruction, I don’t know where I would be today, or who I would be.
Thank You so much for sending Jesus on our behalf, and for the beautiful reality of having a personal relationship with You.
Today, I want to pray for my future husband, and his walk with You.
Though I may not know who he is or where he is in life right now, I know that You do.
You know whether he has given his life to Christ, or if he is yet to come to Christ.
If he is not a follower of Christ right now, I ask that You would reach into his heart, and allow the gospel to pierce through his heart.
May he know the love and grace of Christ, and turn from his sins and toward You.
If he is saved already, I ask that You would grow his faith, and his commitment toward You.
Wherever he is in his walk, I ask that You would his heart be responsive to Your word, and not only be a hearer but a doer of Your word.
May he trust in You, and find his treasure in You.
May every area of his life be led by You, and may he grow more and more into the image of Christ, his Savior.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for His Character
I want to lift up my future husband in prayer today. My prayer is that his pursuit would be Christ, and that he seek Your kingdom first.
I ask that You refine his character, and shape him through the circumstances that he faces, especially when he goes through trials.
Though it is not easy, I ask that You would remind him to count it all joy when he endures various trials, knowing that the testing of his faith produces patience.
Please help him to look into Your wonderful word, and to submit himself to it.
I ask that You would help him to put off old, sinful deeds and to put on the character of Christ.
I ask that You would help us both to grow in our Christlikeness.
I pray that You help him grow in character, and integrity.
May he grow in faithfulness, humility, service, self-control, love, compassion, patience, honesty and obedience to Christ.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for His Leadership
Dear God,
Thank You for not leaving us to our own devices, but for giving us Your word as our guide and source of life.
Without love, and commitment to Your word, we cannot truly live the life that You have called us to live.
Through Your word, we learn many things, including Your design for marriage and the roles which You have given us in marriage.
Today, I want to pray for my future husband’s role as a leader, and the head of our home.
I know that there is no better person for him to learn from than Christ, who is the true head of our home, and the head of the church.
I ask that You would fix his eyes on Christ, and that he would follow in His way.
Help him to pick up his cross daily and to follow Christ, not only when he becomes my husband, but even in his walk with Christ today.
Keep him from being a follower of the world, and help him to be a follower of Christ, and a leader to those around him.
Help him to lead in humility, love, honesty and love. May he lead others by serving them, just as Christ did.
And may he lead me, and our family into a life devoted to and led by Christ.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer that He Will Be a Godly Father
Heavenly Father,
It is such a blessing to be Your child, and to have You as my Father.
Thank You for making me Your own, and for Your love, correction and guidance as my Heavenly Father.
If it is Your will for my future husband and I to have children someday, I ask that You would help us to grow to be godly individuals, so that we can one day be godly parents.
I ask that You would help my future husband to learn from You as a father.
Help him to lead and teach our children Your ways, and point them to Your word.
May he turn to You for guidance, and look to Your word for wisdom as a father. Help him to be a loving, gentle, yet firm father.
Give him discernment to know when a firm word is needed, or simply a hug.
I ask that You would make him a present and attentive father who loves his children, and who is a godly example to them, who they can learn from.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Praying for your future husband is a powerful and important way to prepare for your future together.
Through prayer, you can express your hopes and desires for your future husband, and also ask for God’s guidance and protection over his life.
By regularly lifting him up in prayer, you can strengthen your own faith and trust in God’s plan for your future, and cultivate a deeper sense of love and appreciation for the man you will one day marry.
Whether you are single and waiting for the right person to come along, or currently in a relationship that is leading towards marriage, taking time to pray for your future husband is a beautiful and meaningful way to prepare for the lifelong journey of love and commitment that lies ahead.