Looking for Prayer for Pastor’s Wife? Here are a few that can help.
We may not always see her efforts, but the wife of a pastor has many responsibilities and concerns that she carries.
It is especially important to pray for her because she is your pastor’s helping hand. Many pastor’s wives lead the women’s ministries.
But more than that, she is a sister in Christ, who needs prayer and love just as every other Christian brother or sister does.
You can pray for her in many different ways. If you are aware of something that she is going through or experiencing, pray for her.
You can also pray for the different areas of her life, and her walk with the Lord.
If you’re looking for some guidance in how to pray for your pastor’s wife, who is a beloved child of God, here are a few that can get you started.
Prayer for Pastor’s Wife
Prayer for a Heart of Submission
Ephesians 5:23–24
“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. “
“Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
The world has depicted submission as a bad thing, but in God’s Kingdom, there is beauty and purpose in submitting.
When God created the man and the woman, He created them equal in value but different in roles.
The role that your pastor has differs from the role that the pastor’s wife has.
These two, when both are submitted to Christ, complement one another and make a beautiful picture of God’s design for marriage.
Just as we submit to Christ, our loving Lord, wives are called to submit to their husbands, who is the head of the house.
Heavenly Father,
Your design is good. Thank You for creating marriage to be a beautiful picture of Your relationship with the church.
You are the exemplary groom, who loves Your bride so much that You laid Your life down for her.
That same kind of love, you call husbands to show. But at the same time, You have created wives to be as the church who lovingly submits to You.
The word submission has gotten such a bad reputation, but there is beauty in Your purpose for submission and the way You intended it.
I ask that You would help my pastor’s wife to be an example of what true, godly submission looks like.
May her life reflect that of one who honors her husband, and who trusts him to lead their family.
In times when it is hard to submit, I ask that You would give her grace, and enable her with Your strength.
May their marriage be a beautiful picture of a husband loving his wife as Christ loved the church, and a wife submitting to her husband.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer to Grow in Wisdom & Discernment
James 1:5
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
There is no better place to find godly wisdom to navigate everyday life than from God Himself.
Your pastor’s wife, just like everyone else, needs wisdom and guidance in different areas of her life.
The good news is that God not only welcomes us to ask for wisdom, but His word says that He gives generously to all who ask of Him without reproach.
In other words, ask away.
It is such a blessing to be able to read Your word, and to be changed, instructed, corrected, and directed by it.
Today, I ask that You would use Your word to give wisdom to my pastor’s wife.
My prayer is that her hope and life would be found in Your living words, and that she would seek You for counsel.
You know the areas in her life where she is needing wisdom and guidance. I ask that You would generously apply Your wisdom in her life.
May her heart and mind be filled with Your words, and may Your Holy Spirit lead her in making wise decisions.
Please grant her discernment, and help her to be able to judge situations well.
May she grow in the knowledge of Your word, and may Your word always be her guide.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for Godly Friendships
Proverbs 13:20
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
The saying that we become who we surround ourselves with is very true.
In fact, scripture speaks repeatedly about the importance of those who we are close with, because we influence others and others influence us.
When we surround ourselves with those who are wise, and who are pursuing Jesus, it gives us encouragement to pursue Him and to seek after wisdom.
And the opposite is true too. If we are surrounded by people who complain, or gossip, or are idle, it will rub off on us.
Who we surround ourselves with is very important, and it is worth praying for godly friendships.
Thank You for making us relational people.
It is not always easy to make friends, find friends or to have the time in our busy schedules to pour into our relationships.
But our relationships are important, and they have the ability to affect our lives negatively or positively.
I ask that You would bring godly friendships into my pastor’s wife’s life.
If there are any friendships that draw her away from you, I ask that You would help her to distance herself from those.
If there are any friendships that You desire for her to pursue, I ask that You would give her those opportunities and lead her to those people.
May she be surrounded by wise women, who seek to honor You and to serve You.
Keep her from friendships that undermine her marriage, or that lead her into sin.
Please bless her with godly friendships that will impact her life for the better.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.
Prayer for Contentment
1 Timothy 6:5
“and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.”
It is not easy to be content. The world we live in is one of “more.” There is always more to be had, and always more to be done.
Even when you get the “more”, it seems that there is no end to the next achievement that needs to be attained.
This sense of never quite getting there is a recipe for discontentment. But God’s word says that godliness and contentment go very well together.
Paul is a prime example of this as he learned to be content in every situation (Philippians 4:11).
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”
This contentment wasn’t a result of his own ability, but rather God’s power working in him, as he fixed his eyes on Christ.
Thank You for the many examples of real people in scripture who have learned to trust You, even in times of trouble.
One of the many things we learn from Paul’s life is that he learned to be content in every circumstance that he faced.
I ask that You would help my pastor’s wife to experience this same contentment in every season of her life.
You alone know what she is walking through right now. Whether it is a time of ease, or a time of difficulty, I pray that she will look to You.
As she looks to You, may she find strength to get through it, and to find peace in You.
We can only ever find true contentment by being content in Christ. You are our true portion, and whatever You ordain is right.
May my pastor’s wife grow not only in godliness, but contentment in You.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
I hope that your pastor’s wife will be blessed by these prayers, and that her life will show fruit in these areas, and many others!