Prayer For Traveling Mercies

Looking for Prayers for Traveling Mercies? Here are a few you can start with.

There is always a certain level of anxiety that accompanies traveling. The unknown road ahead, can bring uncertainty.

That is why it is so important to pray for traveling mercies as you start your journey on the road, or in the sky.

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You don’t only have to pray for big trips, but even if you are commuting to work, going on a family, business, missions trip or even picking up the kids from school.

Prayer is always available to you as you set out on the unknown road.Whether you are planning on traveling a long distance, or even just getting ready for a short road trip, you can ask God to protect you as you journey and bring you to your destination safely.

Not only that, I hope that these prayers will bring you comfort, and a sense of peace knowing that God goes before You as you travel.

Prayer For Journey Mercies

Prayer For God To Watch Over You While Traveling

Heavenly Father,

As I prepare for my travels, I ask that You watch over me. I know that there is no place where I can go from Your presence, whether I am at home, at work or on the road, You are there. Please help me to remember this truth as I set out on this journey.

I ask that You would provide me with traveling mercies and keep me from any harm. Please watch over my life, and guide me as I travel. Please be with me, every second that I am traveling, and help me to find peace knowing that You are with me.

Watch over my coming and going, and bring me safely to my destination and back. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer For Other Motorists


I think of the many people who will be on the road today. I ask that You be with each person who is setting out on a journey today. Please give them a sober mind, and may they be alert. Help each motorist to be attentive as they travel and to be considerate of those who are on the road as well.

I pray against any illegal drivers or drivers that are under the influence. Please help

motorists to be responsible, and to take not only their safety but the safety of others seriously. I pray that You protect the lives of motorists and allow us to reach our destination safely. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

A Prayer For Safe Traveling Mercies


I know that my life lies within Your hands. That is why I come before You today, to ask for Your protection as I set out on the road. Though I am not aware of what lies ahead, You already know. You know what I will face.

Please be with me as I travel. Help me to keep You in my mind, and to communicate with You even during my travels. Please prepare the road before me, and allow my travels to go smoothly. If I find myself in unforeseen circumstances, I pray that You would bring me calm and guide me to a solution.

Please cover the vehicle in Your protective presence, and keep me safe from any harm. May this journey be blessed, and may it refresh my soul. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

A Prayer For Those Traveling By Car

Dear Lord,

Please keep Your watchful eye over me as I travel. May I be fully rested, and prepared for the long road ahead. Please help me to remain alert and awake on the road. Help me to be aware of my surroundings and of the drivers who are alongside me. Keep me from speeding, and help me to make safe decisions that will not compromise anyone’s safety.

Please place Your protective shield all around the vehicle. Help me to see clearly, and to think soberly. Please keep me from any distractions, and be too focused on the road. Keep all passengers safe, and alert. Keep me from experiencing any issues with the car, and help me to reach the end in a safe and timely manner. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

A Prayer For those Traveling By Plane


It can be nerve wrecking to fly sometimes. The idea of being off the ground and in the sky can bring a lot of uncertainty. But I am thankful for trained pilots who know what they are doing. I ask that You calm my nerves, and the nerves of those who will be on the plane with me. Please help me to feel at ease, and know that You are with me, even when I am up in the sky.

I ask that You watch over the plane, and guide the pilots. May they be well rested, and undistracted. Please be with every attendant, keeping them steady, and alert. Please bless our journey, allowing us to take off safely and to land successfully as well. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

A Prayer For Family Trip

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving me this opportunity to take a trip with my family. I ask that You protect us as we prepare to hit the road. I know that traveling as a family can be stressful and challenging at times. Please help us to be patient with one another. Help us to make use of the best of the time we will be spending traveling together.

May we all feel Your presence with us as we journey. Please calm any anxiety that we may be experiencing. Give us strength when we are feeling weary and help us to make amazing memories together that we can cherish for the rest of our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

A Prayer For Protection from Accidents


Thank You for protecting us and being with us each day. As we prepare to travel, I ask that You keep us safe. Please help us to be alert as we drive, and to be cautious. I pray that You will keep us from any accidents on the road.

Please allow for the traffic to be smooth, and for each driver to be responsible and attentive. Please keep each car safe on the road, and allow us to reach our destination safely. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

Whenever you find yourself getting ready to travel, remember to take a moment to pray for God’s hand over you and your family, and for His presence to go with you. Blessed travels!

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